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Gutor / Партнеры / Eldar Electric


Мы прилагаем большие усилия для обеспечения удовлетворённости клиентов, и мы очень гордимся теми отношениями с клиентами, которые построили за последние 17 лет.


Gutor Electronic, as part of Schneider Electric, supplies uninterruptible power supply (UPS) solutions and supports the offshore, power generation and petrochemicals industries. Customised UPS systems for adverse offshore conditions - Gutor UPS solutions are designed for industrial applications and customised to meet the client’s specific needs, with a focus on quality, reliability and capacity to withstand adverse environments.

The systems are designed to meet stringent safety standards and the IEEE standard as category 1E material. Solutions often undergo environmental and seismic qualifications according to accepted industry procedures.
