Полагаясь на дистрибуцию двух известных брендов UPS APC и Gutor ООО “Eldar Electric” превратился в стратегического поставщика на промышленном и офисном рынке для многих местных и зарубежных клиентов, таких как Nobel Oil, Socar, BP, OGPC, Azpromo, Petkim, Statoil, CET.
Kaseya UPS Integration Kit v1.0.1
Simplified remote monitoring tool integration via SNMP.
Cost Savings
- Lower operational costsReduce service operational costs by using APC SNMP policies that monitor a wide array of APC device values.
- APC validated policiesAPC validated SNMP monitoring policies provide in-depth insight into the health and status of APC devices without developing custom scripts.
- Service desk integrationEvent automation and integration with service desk ticketing tools enable the development of resolution paths for faster and more accurate reporting.
- Trend analysisMonitoring a wide array of APC device values can help system administrators identify problematic trends.
- Predictive asset managementHelps schedule maintenance downtime to minimize business disruption.